When I saw my fav blogger post about this box I knew i had to try it!! I was worried it was going to be like Stitch Fix, and no offense, but I haven't seen a lot of stuff I love from them! So to tell you a little about Hanger to home, its $18, that is to cover shipping to you and back to them, they send you a label to ship back, BUT the $18 goes towards your purchase!! You fill out questions, basically tell them everything you like in clothes, colors, your body etc, and they send ( typically ) 10 items to your door!! I fell in LOVE with all my stuff!! If I would have known the clothes were more higher end, I would have saved some money before I received the box. I told them the clothes were for work, and that I liked neon, and that I HAD to wear a bra so I wanted to stay away from backless, I also told them I liked my chest so maybe a few low cuts ;) They NAILED it!! I'm sorry for the terrible quality pictures, i'll do better with my next box, because YES, I will be ordering again!! Also you can pick when you want it, every month, every other month, or every 6 months!!
Like I said, i'm sorry these pictures are terrible, next time i will photograph in everything!!
I loved this dress!!! Like LOVED! The pink spaghetti strap was also super cute under the below blazer, all the jewelry as gorgeous and inexpensive!
This neon dress, i fell in love with!! The sheer teal top was great, and the blazer!!
I was obsessed with everything in this picture!!!
So since it was the week before mothers day, and i'm SUPPOSED to be saving money i ended only buying two items, the top and clutch :)
Jeggings are from Aero and on sale right now for $16
Necklace is sold out at ZZS but this one would look great :) Use code zzs172 for free shipping.